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Brian Duffner, along with host Illissa Miller discuss Aureon’s history and services.

Articles published February 8, 2024

Navigating Aureon’s Tech Evolution with Brian Duffner

In the heart of the Midwest, a narrative of technological transformation is being written, with Aureon playing the lead role. This story comes to life in the latest NEDAS Live! Podcast E46: Navigating the Data Landscape with Aureon: A Comprehensive Overview. Join Vice President of Connectivity Solutions, Brian Duffner, and host Ilissa Miller, to gain an insight into Aureon’s journey from its roots as Iowa Network Services to become a beacon of technology solutions with over 35 years of innovation in connectivity, managed IT, consulting, and contact center services.

The episode begins by spotlighting Aureon’s robust network, boasting an impressive 99.98% uptime and 4,460 miles of fiber optic cable, ensuring high-speed internet accessibility across Iowa. Duffner brings to the forefront the crucial role of Aureon’s dedicated team of customer service professionals with local market knowledge, complemented by a team of highly skilled Network Operations Center (NOC) technical personnel supporting nationwide service coverage requirements.

Managed IT Services

As the conversation flows, listeners are treated to Duffner’s insights into Aureon’s managed IT services. This segment tackles the myriad challenges businesses encounter in today’s digitally transformative era. The narrative weaves through the ways Aureon’s managed services simplify technology management, offering all-encompassing support for data, voice, and IT solutions.

The expertise of the managed IT team takes center stage as they oversee all hardware and IT systems, providing essential services such as backup and disaster recovery, managed firewall, and cloud solutions. The podcast highlights Aureon’s integral role in offering a synergistic blend of connectivity and managed IT solutions, striking a balance between scalability and customized service.

Redefining Iowa’s Connectivity Landscape

In a captivating turn, the discussion shifts to Aureon’s strategic approach to differentiating itself in the competitive landscape. For enterprise and B2B customers, Aureon focuses on businesses that are primarily based in Iowa, particularly in manufacturing, banking, and healthcare. The unique proposition lies in providing these customers with a comprehensive, fiber-based solution with no copper.

“We look for those customers that are wholly contained within the state of Iowa,” Duffner says. “We can provide them a one-stop-shop for all of their data needs that are all fiber-based.”

Duffner also touches on Aureon’s wholesale side, where they position themselves as an integrator, distinct from large nationwide networks. Aureon’s foundation, established by 120 independent telephone companies, has forged a distinct presence in rural Iowa, offering services in areas often overlooked by larger businesses.

Data Centers, Community Impact

Duffner’s narrative continues into Aureon’s commitment to data centers, operating in 14 data centers across Iowa. He emphasizes the importance of keeping data within the state for enhanced security, power outage resilience, and ensured business continuity. The network extends to major data centers in Chicago, Minneapolis, Omaha, and Kansas City, ensuring data accessibility.

Aureon’s commitment to data centers goes beyond technological considerations, extending to substantial benefits for the communities it serves. These data centers act as significant revenue generators, contributing to local economies through taxation on computer equipment and other related assets.

In positioning these data centers within communities, Aureon emerges not just as a tech provider but as a key player in sustaining local economies, offsetting potential losses in retail and corporate real estate. This strategy is a testament to Aureon’s dual role in safeguarding data security and privacy while actively fostering economic growth in local communities, positioning them as a catalyst for positive change beyond their primary tech offerings.

To immerse yourself in this inspiring story of technological innovation and community impact, tune into NEDAS Live! Podcast E46: Navigating the Data Landscape with Aureon: A Comprehensive Overview. Don’t miss out on this insightful journey with Aureon, where technology meets community development and goals.